DVRs & Multiplexers
Verity is Now shipping our 2023 Version of the REC02U
*Double the SD storage
*Enhance operations
*Many new auto-detect options.
Will integrate into our REC02U systems seamlessly.

All 2020-2022 REC02U will have
a label like the one to the left.
All 2023 + systems will have the 2023 REC02U label like the one to the right.

There have been many improvements in DVR formats, improvements in technologies, and improvements in price. Many companies are buying standard base models, putting a logo on them, and sending them out the door. When manuals have Chinese writing on them and the maps have Chinese writing for location, there is something not right with that.
At Verity, all manuals, tech support material, specific production line manuals, pre custom DVR formatting for OEM and Fleets, printing, and some parts are made in the USA.
This is the latest upgrade to our REC02U 4-Channel DVR, which now supports 2-256 gig SD cards. Our 2023 version has updated technology, RS232 & RS485, PTZ operations, metal connector tamper-resistant cover, optional LED control panel, and better recording and compression, all with a price decrease.
All PTZ Capabilities are
via RS485 port and Pelco D protocol.
Please call engineering for more details,

New! REC02U (2023) SD Card MDVR
5-channel Mobile DVR supports Dual
256GB SD Cards with RS232 & RS485
Call for information on our
REC03 5-channel MDVR + GPS tracks speed & location
REC04 5-channel MDVR + GPS + 4G WiFi
Specialty OEM DVRs

What do you need to have documented?

This Quad Multiplexer fits all our systems & cameras.
Used heavily in Fire/Rescue and any situation where a co-driver needs control, i.e. prison buses, armored vehicles.
Marine applications - view your engine room or use as a docking aid.